Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer….. Hike just 10 minutes to a beautiful waterfall in our Historic town of Cascade. Lunch is provided, including drinks, sandwich, fruit, and homemade chocolate chip cookies………….ADD 56.95 to your cottage rate for 2 persons. Additional persons ADD $ 10.00 per person. Your basket will be delivered to the cottage porch.
Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer….. Discover the mountains with hiking to the waterfall. The cabin will have flowers and chocolates waiting for you, along with a free admission to Manitou Cliff Dwellings for 2.
Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer….. Ramona cottage or Zeb’s cabin/ Cliff Dwellings tickets for 2 and have dinner/ or lunch at The Wines of Colorado restaurant ( walking distance) and taste the many wines Colorado has to offer in our area and the surrounding areas of Colorado. Offer for double occupancy ( 2 Persons) free wine tasting.
Fun things to search for in our area of Colorado! Comes with the book Sharing Nature With Children, flashlight, markers, small notebook, organic lemonade, paddleball, butterfly net. Specify age and girl/boy.
Enjoy the beverage of your choice, custom birthday/anniversary cake of your choice, and flowers for your special loved one.